[b]Shakhter Soligorsk Reserves VS Slavia Mozyr Reserve, home advantage[-b]
Match Analysis--
Shakhter Soligorsk Reserves won 3 out of 8 rounds, with 75% unbeaten rate. To be mentioned, their away forms are better than home forms. In last home game, they lost to FC Isloch Reserves who just sent 10 players with 0--1 in last home game.
Slavia Mozyr Reserve are in [url=----s----soccertips.----free-soccer-tips-]best free soccer prediction[-url] poor forms since this season as they just got 1 win but 6 losses after 6 rounds. What’s more, they haven’t got a win on away field, but the away loss rate reaches 75%.
Odds Analysis--
Shakhter Soligorsk Reserves are in unsteady forms in recent games, while Slavia Mozyr Reserve couldn’t get a win in last 6 games and lost 5 of them. So Shakhter Soligorsk Reserves who has home advantage will be expected to get a positive resu...
Shakhter Soligorsk Reserves VS Slavia Mozyr Reserve
Pick-- Shakhter Soligorsk [url=----s----soccertips.----series-soccer-tips-]soccer tips of the day[-url] Reserves to win