M-7026 module 6 đầu vào AI, 2 AO, 3DI, 3DO
M-7026 module 6 đầu vào AI, 2 AO, 3DI, 3DO is a Modbus RTU based mu..ifunction module with 6 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs, 3 digital inputs, and 3 digital outputs . It provides a programmable input range on all analog inputs (+/-150 mV, +/-500 mV, +/-1 V, +/-5 V, +/-10 V, +/-20 mA or 0 ~ +20 mA). The analog outputs are 12-bit at +/-5 V, +/-10 V, 0 ~ +20 mA or +4 ~ +20 mA. All digital outputs can be set as alarm outputs. Each analog input can be configured for an individual range and provides a .... overvo..age protection of 240 Vrms. Vo..age and current inputs/outputs are jumper selectable..
Mu..ifunction (6 AI, 2 AO, 3 DI and 3 DO)
Supports Fast Mode and Normal Mode
Individual Channel Configuration
Open Wire Detection for Current Output
Overload and Short Circuit Protection for Digital Output
Configurable Power-on Value Settings
Configurable Safe Value Settings
Supports Modbus RTU Protocol
240 Vrms Overvo..age Protection for Vo..age Input
Jumper Selectable Vo..age or Current Input/Output
Dual Watchdog
±4 kV Contact ESD Protection
Wide Operating Temperature Range: -25 ~ +75°C
Thông tin ... ti?t s?n ph?m xin liên h? chúng tôi d? du?c tu v?n &..;....://mctt.....vn/san-pham/m-7026-module-6-dau-vao-ai-2-ao-3di-3do>
Thanks and Kind Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung
Measurement and Control Equipment Co., ..d(MC&TT Co., ..d)
Add: No 847 Huyen Ky, Phu Lam, Ha Dong Dist, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Branch: CL37, Nam La Khe Urban Areas,La Khe Ward, Ha Dong Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mobile: +84 904 251 826
Tel: +84-4-85894254
Web: [url]www.mctt.....vn[/url] &..;....://www.mctt.....vn/>
Skype/Yahoo: nvhung.mctt
Email: [email]nvhung.mctt.....vn[/email] &..;mai..o:nvhung.mctt.....vn>