Group online classes are just like you are video calling to your friends and family, but instead of talking only, we learn Vietnamese.

Each meeting lasts an hour. Depending on what you want to learn, what is your current Vietnamese level, you will pick the right class for your need. Learn more about up---ing classes here

The price per hour is 7.99 USD on average. (Pay via Paypal)

This has included all the files and audio, plus many other extra activities practice besides Skype meetings. Everything is in the Southern Dialect. You need to pay in courses and pay in advance.

For more ----rmation about up---ing courses and the tuition for each course, check here

How does Vietnamese online group class work?

Here are steps to learn Vietnamese online group with SVFF

Learn more and pick your class at available up---ing classes

Register the group class by fill in this form (Remember to fill in the Group Class ID)

Make the payment manually through this link

Wait until the starting day of your class. [img]----s----svff.-----wp-content-uploads-2019-08-Untitled-design-1.png[-img]

Listening skills

For A level, it is advisable to start with listening to your teacher, as much as possible. Teachers must constantly ask the same sentence patterns they have learned over and over again and again, and apply the learned words in life situations (the more relevant they are to the student's reality, the better they will want to speak and learn. students will remember longer). After lesson 7, students can be familiar with simple audio, maybe at first record the voice of that teacher or another teacher.

After the end of level A, normal people have basic listening and speaking skills. Then the teacher advanced with the harder listening songs, the songs, the B level dialogues. Level C needed to listen to long audio and practice listening to the radio. During listening practice, it is necessary to ---bine speaking and pronunciation practice because these are necessary supporting skills. If a student studies for the certificate, he - she needs to practice all 3 types of listening-- listen - fill words, listen - choose right - wrong, listen - choose the best answer. But if students learn to ---municate, to attend seminars, to actually listen, practice a lot with listening - understanding (listening - choosing answers). Teachers must best understand students' levels to have appropriate listening lessons, otherwise students will be very bored because they find it too difficu...

Vietnamese listening skillsListening experience-- record the teacher's audio file and listen to it over and over again (because the CD quality is not good), listen to the song (if the students like it). And especially ---municating as much as possible, the more people practice the ability to hear and reflect language. Therefore, the level of Vietnamese learning, the more you have to talk, talk, talk and talk. Of course, conversation must be learned, so teachers need to stop students to correct their pronunciation, correct words over and over, and students have to have notebooks to take notes of the words and phrases and sentence patterns that need to be. Memorize. In my experience, someone who likes to talk and ---municate often learns foreign languages ​​better than someone who likes to learn grammar and study in books.

Speaking skills

In order to speak Vietnamese well, students need to have basic vocabulary and basic grammar. That means at the end of level A, they can say everything in simple sentences.

Vietnamese speaking skillsLevel B is very difficu.. to improve if studying only in the book, because the grammar is too much and too crumb, so it is better to talk on topics to have more new vocabulary and the teacher has to skillfully insert it. new sentence patterns that students do not know and explain to them.

At level C, you must use a lot of slang, ---mon words and natural speaking. When learning Vietnamese, students should not study too hard on grammar, that is, they should not do too many exercises. Teachers Vietnamese to foreigners need to explain grammar to students and practice speaking until students can use that grammar, not doing too many exercises. Because also in my experience, students studying grammar lessons can hear and understand well but reflexively speak very slowly because they always try to remember and correct grammar. They are afraid to say wrong. So the principle when practicing speaking to students is that teachers must always encourage them-- DON'T BE FALSE TO SAY. SAVE IT. [url=----s----svff.-----][color=--0000ff]learn vietnamese[-color][-url] Learning Vietnamese online is currently a trend not only for foreigners living and working in our country, but also a channel for sharing ----rmation, training listening, speaking, writing and typing skills in Vietnamese. with many Vietnamese.

Learning Vietnamese online is one of the most effective methods today

Advantages of learning Vietnamese online ---pared to the usual way of learning

With the development of modern technology today, some traditional learning and entertainment methods have been changed. To suit the modern trend, a form of learning is preferred, in which learning V iet online has many advantages--

Save time-- This is probably the most obvious and obvious benefit. You will not waste time and effort moving to study locations, online classes allow you to study at home, or anywhere you want, as long as you have a ---puter connected to the inter---.

---fortable learning space-- When learning V iet online, you absolutely can bring the whole class to your home. A ---fortable study space will help you study better.

Flexible study time-- This is an advantage that no traditional classroom has. You can join the class at 11pm, or 6am. Whenever you can arrange a time, anytime you find it convenient.

Easy to keep learning materials-- With just one ---puter, you will find it much easier when you can sort documents by files, never having to worry about dropping or not knowing to where.

Cost savings-- Tuition of Vietnamese online courses is often lower or even free ---pared to traditional courses. Because online classes will not have to pay the cost of renting space, buying tools and the cost for teachers is not as .... as for lecturers. [url=----s----svff.-----][color=--0000ff]learn vietnamese online[-color][-url] Recently, Vietnam has be---e a country with a .... increase in foreign investment attraction due to its open policy, young labor force, and low fees. As a resu.., the number of foreigners ---ing to work, live or study also increases each year. The need to learn Vietnamese has be---e more and more urgent. Understanding this, Dang Minh Tutor Center provides Vietnamese tutoring service to Hanoi's leading prestigious foreigners, in addition to learning Vietnamese, foreigners can also experience and explore life. as well as Vietnamese cu..ure.


It can be said that a Vietnamese tutor for foreigners is very necessary, especially for those who intend to work or live for a long time in Vietnam.

To be able to work well in Vietnam, foreigners need to learn the language to be able to ---municate and seek ----rmation and only when they have good Vietnamese skills can you do this.

Foreign students who want to study in Vietnam really need Vietnamese because the fact that Vietnamese lecture halls are taught in Vietnamese and only find Vietnamese tutors can students learn Vietnamese to study. used in life. [url=----s----svff.-----learn-vietnamese-1-on-1-online-class-][color=--0000ff]learn vietnamese 1 on 1[-color][-url]
