8026 Wireless Datalogger
The Model 8026 Wireless Datalogger is intended to transmit data from buried sensors installed in inaccessible locations. It’s designed around the Campbell Scientific, Inc. Model CR800 Datalogger &..;....://www.campbellsci..../cr800-series>, specifically to read Geokon’s line of Vibrating Wire sensors. The 8026 Datalogger is housed in a rugged enclosure (standard enclosure is PVC, optional stainless steel enclosure also available) together with a D-cell lithium battery pack (for unattended operation) and an RF modem (for wireless data transmission). It has low power consumption, wide temperature range and is moisture resistant. It’s configured to read 6 sensors; either 6 VW or 3 VW plus 3 thermistors, or any ...bination thereof. The 8026 is typically installed with a Spread Spectrum Radio Modem and Antenna.
Chúng tôi là công ty chuyên cung cấp, tích hợp và dịch vụ kỹ thuật thiết bị của hãng tại Việt Nam
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Nguyen Van Hung
Measurement and Control Equipment Co., ..d(MC&TT Co., ..d)
Add: No 847 Huyen Ky, Phu Lam, Ha Dong Dist, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Branch: CL37, Nam La Khe Urban Areas,La Khe Ward, Ha Dong Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mobile: +84 904 251 826
Tel: +84-4-85894254
Web: [url]www.mctt.....vn[/url] &..;....://www.mctt.....vn/>
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