6350 Vibrating Wire Ti..meter
The Model 6350 VW Ti..meter is designed to measure ti.. in structures such as buildings, dams &..;....://www.geokon..../dams/> and embankments &..;....://www.geokon..../embankments/>, and also for measurements related to the stability of slopes &..;....://www.geokon..../slope-stability/>, open pits, and the walls of excavations &..;....://www.geokon..../foundations-excavations/> (e.g. slurry walls). The ti..meter is permanently attached to the structure to be monitored and can make measurements on horizontal or vertical surfaces. Readings are taken with the Model GK-403 VW Readout Box &..;....://www.geokon..../vibrating-wire-readout-box-1/> or continuously and remotely with the Model 8021 Micro-1000 Datalogger &..;....://mctt.....vn/danh-muc/bo-thu-thap-luu-tru-va-xu-ly-du-lieu-tu-dong-dataloggers-va-phan-mem-software> or Model 8025 Micro-800 Datalogger &..;....://mctt.....vn/san-pham/bo-thu-thap-luu-tru-va-xu-ly-du-lieu-tu-dong-8025-micro-800-datalogger-geokon>.
Chúng tôi là công ty chuyên cung cấp, tích hợp và dịch vụ kỹ thuật thiết bị của hãng tại Việt Nam
Thông tin ... tiết sản phẩm, xem ... tiết link sau
[url]....://mctt.....vn/san-pham/6350-vibrating-wire-ti..meter...VO0mwC6Aaig[/url] &..;....://mctt.....vn/san-pham/6350-vibrating-wire-ti..meter>
Nguyen Van Hung
Measurement and Control Equipment Co., ..d(MC&TT Co., ..d)
Add: No 847 Huyen Ky, Phu Lam, Ha Dong Dist, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Branch: CL37, Nam La Khe Urban Areas,La Khe Ward, Ha Dong Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mobile: +84 904 251 826
Tel: +84-4-85894254
Web: [url]www.mctt.....vn[/url] &..;....://www.mctt.....vn/>
Skype/Yahoo: nvhung.mctt
Email: [email]nvhung.mctt.....vn[/email] &..;mai..o:nvhung.mctt.....vn>