Minh ten duuc , 21t , cao m7 ,60kg , de nhin , rat men nen muon tim ban that su menly , ko can dep , ... can men thoi , ai thay ok thi pm yh phucduc.zazz va de lai sdt minh se pm

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0968836332 men dep nho ll nha

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[QUOTE=Khách;719779]Minh ten duuc , 21t , cao m7 ,60kg , de nhin , rat men nen muon tim ban that su menly , ko can dep , ... can men thoi , ai thay ok thi pm yh phucduc.zazz va de lai sdt minh se pm

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0968836332 men dep nho ll nha

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....ban_lamaimai_199429 or 01868640910 men ly 21t pm nka